Monday, January 6, 2020

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi - 1383 Words

Gandhi perceives imperialism as a creation of Industrial development, which perpetuates greed, and the desire to increase profit at the expense of the body and society. Gandhi states. â€Å"Those who are intoxicated by modern civilization are not likely to write against it. Their care will be to find out facts and arguments in support of it, and this they do unconsciously† (Gandhi, chp 6). Gandhi’s presumes that civilization, like an incurable disease, and new-civilized creations are a limitation to the body and society. Thus, India’s helplessness is in conjunction with its British association. Moreover, a ‘disarmed India has no control of resistance of ‘western-civilization’ so then what is civilized justice? According to Gandhi, civil justice†¦show more content†¦Machinery is viewed as the destruction of Indian society, and conclusive to the obstruction of ancient civilization’s body and society. Industrial capitalism is subse rvient to Gandhi’s society, and Industrial capitalism perpetuates colonial imperialism. It is a chief representation of western civilization, as Gandhi sates, â€Å"Now thousands of workmen meet together and for the sake of maintenance work in factories or mines. Their condition is worse than that of beasts. They are obliged to work, for the sake of millionaires, but by reproducing Manchester in India, our moral being will be sapped, and I call in support of my statement the very mill-bands as witnesses† (Gandhi, chp 19). It is inherent, that Gandhi’s perception of society is one without industrial capitalism. He saw machinery and materialism as greater representations of manipulation. The British had, like any imperialist civilization, a perpetuating greed to control natural resources for profit. Ultimately, in Gandhi’s eyes the British wanted to have complete sovereignty over political bodies in their colonial parts. Village life was on the verge of distinction, thus Gandhi’s ideology gave light to India’s grim vision of being truly independent. Gandhi, as Metcalf sates, â€Å"believed in true independence, he envisioned it in Hind Swaraj (1909) it was not a simple matter of Indians replacing Britain’s in the seat of government. It involved a wholesaleShow MoreRelatedMahatma Gandhi : Gandhi ( Gandhi )1176 Words   |  5 PagesKaramchand Gandhi, also known as Gandhi Ji, Mahatma Gandhi and Bapu. He was a nationalist leader in India, known for establishing freedom in India from British through nonviolent movement. He professed the term’s passive resistan ce and civil disobedience insufficient for his work, however he devised a term called, Satyagraha (truth and firmness). He worked his whole life for peace and freedom in India, which I think, is something to be acknowledged by millions of people. 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